Street Iftar & a Boeber Run

Alhamdulillah ( “praise be to God”) What a blessed weekend we have had.

Saturday 23 April 2022

Our Junior LU4C Ambassodor Sufyaan Davids arranged a Street Iftar for members of his Tafelsig community. As a team we are extremely proud of the initiative shown by this young man and his crew. May they receive great reward for their efforts.

Sunday 24 April 2022

The Boeber Run took to the streets of Ocean View. We we all extremely humbled by the turn out of volunteers today. Our Brother & sisters from the Husami Masjied was in attendance, ensuring that each guest receive a warm punnet of that Husami Special Akni, adults received a half loaf of bread, and all guests received a sandwhich. 

Then, ofcourse there was Boeber on tap for our guest, a date parcel for those fasting, fresh pieces of fruit and a snack pack for the children in attendance.

Sheikh Abdul Khakim Raban shared with us a beautiful hadith about I’TIKAF and feeding those in need. Please take a moment to enjoy this hadith in the video attached.


15 Pots of Food on the Day of Eid

We hope to cook 15 pots of food to be distributed on the day of Eid God willing. 

To do this, we need your support to contribute towards this initiative. Donations can be made either via Direct Deposit / Eft or by clicking the Donate Now Button below:

Banking Details:

Bank: FNB
Acc Name: Lace Up For Change
Acc Number: 6266 386 7003
Branch Code: 210528
Reference: EidPots

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