We need your help to choose the recipient of the first LU4C Bursary.
Lace Up For Change (LU4C) has created a bursary fund, the intention of which is to provide financial support to a learner from a disadvantaged community for studies at a tertiary institution. Seed funding of R10 000 was donated in 2021 by Prescient Investment Management. This has been reinvested into a Prescient Investment Account.
The bursary recipient will be provided with economic, social and academic support (subject to terms and conditions) throughout high school (grade 8 – grade 12) by Lace Up For Change and our partners – so as to ensure success in achieving matric results that qualify for tertiary studies.
The first LU4C bursary recipient will be selected from Dietrich Moravian Primary School in Phillippi, Cape Town. Compositions have been submitted by the Grade 7 class of 2021, 3 of which have been selected for the final judging.
This is where we need your help. From the three compositions below, please sms your winner to 42006 (Normal SMS Rates Apply – FREE SMS’s DO NOT Apply)
The identities of the recipients are being kept private in their best interest
Send your selection to:
SMS Number: 42006
Your Name & Surname:
Your Winner: (Either Comp 1; Comp 2 or Comp 3)
Closing date for the competition is 2 March 2022
*Standard SMS rates apply – Free SMS’s DO NOT apply