Faizel Jacobs - Running for Nurses​

LU4C Chairperson Faizel Jacobs plans on running the 2022 Cape Town Marathon as a #CancerSurvivor & an #Ostomate

In May of 2016, Faizel was diagnosed with colorectal cancer and after surgery, he was left with a permanent stoma.

What is a Stoma?

A stoma is an opening on the abdomen that can be connected to either your digestive or urinary system to allow waste (urine or faeces) to be diverted out of your body. It looks like a small, pinkish, circular piece of flesh that is sewn to your body.

Why is he running the Cape Town Marathon?

Faizel aims to document his journey towards the Cape Town Marathon and highlighting the struggles faced by Ostomates across the country. These range from pouching systems shortages, leaks, skin irritations, limited access to qualified stoma nurses to name but a few. 

On his journey he hopes to educate and advocate for Ostomates across the country.

Did you know that there are less than 100 qualified stoma nurses in South Africa?

With an estimated 60 000 stoma patients in the country, there are less than 100 qualified stoma nurses to care for ostomates. This has led to patients being incorrectly scripted and cared for often resulting in the ostomate isolating him / herself from society.

Getting Nurses Qualified

Between now and 16th October 2022 (Marathon Day) Faizel hopes to raise R50 000 which will be donated to The South African Society Of Ostomates. These funds will be used to send nurses in the public healthcare sector on the Stomaltherapy Course. This in turn, would make a HUGE difference to the ostomates quality of life that are seen by these now QUALIFIED STOMA THERAPISTS

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R5,000 of R50,000 raised
Personal Info

Donation Total: R50.00


Help Faizel Reach The Finish Line

Challenge Progress

Lets Raise R50 000 for Nurses to receiver Stomal Therapy Training
R50 000

Donations can also be made via EFT / Direct Deposit:

Bank: FNB
Acc Name: Lace Up For Change
Acc Number: 6266 386 7003
Branch Code: 210528
Reference: Faizel-Stoma
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ

Some of Faizel's Awareness Videos

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