Please join us for the October LU4c Boeber Run where we will distribute a warm meal to our guest in the Woodstock, District Six and Cape Town CBD .
We aim to meet at outside the Voice Of The Cape Studios at 19:45 with the aim of starting at 20:00 on Saturday .
We hope to provide our guests with a warm punnet of Akni (Courtesy of our friends from the Husami Masjied); a piece of fruit and of course, the obligatory sweet cup of Boeber.
Donations towards this event can be made via our website: or by direct deposit to:
Bank: FNB
Acc Name: Lace Up For Change
Acc Number: 6266 386 7003
Branch Code: 210528
Reference: BoeberRun
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ
Acc Name: Lace Up For Change
Acc Number: 6266 386 7003
Branch Code: 210528
Reference: BoeberRun
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ
#LaceUpForChange #LU4C #BoeberRun #Feeding #CapeTown