LU4C Sports Day

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R0 of R10,000 raised

The LU4C crew are very excited about an upcoming event that we are hosting in December.

During our school shoe and sock project earlier this year, we visited several schools in the Grabouw, Ceres and St Helena Bay areas, amongst others.

Whilst engaging with teachers and learners, it became clear that there is little to no extramural or sporting activity at these schools.  LU4C is hoping to address this gap by assisting and guiding these schools so that they are empowered to initiate their own regular sporting events. We hope to extend this assistance to more schools as our initiative grows.

As a start, we are introducing our very first LU4C Sports Day.  The event will take place on 3 December 2022, in Montague Gardens.

50 learners from 5 primary schools in Grabouw, Ceres and Cape Town surrounds will participate in a one-day action soccer tournament.  Montague Action Sports Arena will host the tournament, and biokineticists from The Run Lab SA will facilitate a sports coaching workshop for the 10 accompanying teachers.

We plan to kick off the day with a suitable pre-sports breakfast for the players as well as their teachers.  Throughout the day they will require hydration in the hot December weather.

A late lunch at the beach has been arranged for after the event.  As many of them will be travelling back to their homes late in the day, we would like to provide them with a little snack box for their trip.

To equip the teachers, post their coaching workshop, we want to provide them with some soccer balls and cones so they can put into practice what they’ve learnt from The Run Lab SA team.  The players will also receive participation medals at the end of the day.

We’d like to appeal to you, loyal supporters of LU4C and our vision, for donations in cash or kind towards this first-time event, which we hope will become a bigger annual event with prizes for the schools.

Donations can be made via our PayFast portal below or direct bank deposit to:

Bank: FNB
Acc Name: Lace Up For Change
Acc Number: 6266 386 7003
Branch Code: 210528
Reference: SportsDay
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ

Personal Info

Donation Total: R10.00